Track Record

REAL CARS! REAL PEOPLE! REAL PROFIT! “The Track Record showcases the Real cars, Real stories, and REAL profits of CarFlipping Members."

What CarFlippers are saying:

“I am so thankful I signed up. I was nervous to put my credit card in at first but have had success with your program. THANK YOU!”

Zack F, Kentuck

"I bought my neighbor's Mustang last week and with a couple of tips from the Remarketing section of the, I resold it for $1500 more than I bought it for this week. Is is always this easy?"

Ron J, Katy, TX.

"I ship near 200 cars a year to and from my dealership. With's shipping portal, I know I'm getting the best rates from the best makes it so much easier!"

Roland G. Carmel, IN.

"Thanks for the hook up on a great shipping quote. I saved money and car arrived in excellent condition!"

Wyatt M, Florida

"CarFlipping is soooo cool...why don't you have a TV show??"

Bert H. Cincinnati, OH

"I just made $2200! I was a nervous Nelly but IT PAID OFF! Covered years of my membership AND put some extra dough in my pocket. More to come...."

Daryl D, Michigan

“The cars starting coming to me instead of me searching for the cars. I have saved weeks off of my search time. Keep up the good work.”

Dave K, California

"I never have to search out a random car source anymore wondering if I will actually receive my order. Thanks for the credible recommendations for all my car needs. "

Sam E, Washington

“Just flipped my first car. Yikes! Made $655. More than I thought I was going to. On to the next one....”

Henry T, California

"People that get it. What a concept. On my fourth deal now and have netted $3400. I have used ALL your tools and don't have any complaints."

Greg V, Belgium